An Ultimate Guide: Vaping After Tooth Extraction


Having just had a tooth extracted, the pain may have you craving to seek some relief by smoking.

However, based on scientific research and clinical practice, we have found that smoking immediately after a tooth extraction is not a good idea.

To promote healing and avoid complications, we recommend that smokers avoid smoking for at least 48 hours after the procedure.

In this post, we'll walk through the potential risks of vaping after a tooth extraction.

We'll also discuss arguments for allowing it and share advice straight from dentists and oral surgeons.

By the end, you'll have a clear answer on if and when vaping may be safely resumed.

Is It Safe To Vape After Tooth Extraction?

After a tooth is extracted, your mouth needs time to heal, and the formation of a blood clot is crucial to this process.

It not only quickly fills the cavity left by the tooth, but prevents the invasion of dirt and bacteria and reduces the risk of infection.

It also protects the wound, providing the necessary protection for the production of fibroblasts and the initiation of the healing process.

Unfortunately, smoking, including e-cigarettes, interferes with this natural healing mechanism.

The sucking action may lead to dislodging of blood clots, causing dry socket syndrome.

This not only increases the risk of infection but also leads to severe pain and prolonged healing time.

Additionally, the toxic chemicals in tobacco can further affect the wound healing process, potentially doubling or even tripling recovery time.

So while smoking may seem to offer a way to relieve pain.

However, it puts a greater burden on the body, weakening the immune system and making it more difficult for the body to fight infection and promote healing.

Especially after wisdom teeth removal, it's crucial to avoid smoking and using e-cigarettes.

This is because they not only impede blood clotting due to the dilation of blood vessels caused by the hot vapor, increasing bleeding and swelling.

They can also trigger dry socket syndrome from the required sucking action, which may require additional medical intervention and long-term pain management.

Why You Shouldn't Vape After A Tooth Extraction?

Before jumping back into vaping, it's important to understand the possible downsides and dangers first.

Here are the main risks to keep in mind before you start vaping:

The sucking motion that comes with vaping can cause dry sockets.

Due to the inhalation or sucking behavior required to take a draw from the vape.

This sensation can also create suction in the mouth, potentially pulling out the blood clot from the open tooth socket following removal.

Without the clot, the nerves and bone beneath the socket are vulnerable to a dry socket and infection, becoming extremely painful.

The nicotine in vape liquid slows down the healing process.

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, constricting blood vessels, and cutting off the blood flow to the area around your tooth extraction site.

Limited blood flow can impede the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients, slowing healing and increasing the risk of complications such as delayed wound healing or infection.

The heat from a vape pen can damage the gums and surrounding tissue.

The warmth of a vape pen's vapor is often hot enough to irritate the sensitive gum tissue, making it more susceptible to infection.

Dirty vape pens can cause bacterial contamination.

Most people don't clean their vape pens religiously.

Between storage, use, and travel, dirt and bacteria can accumulate on a vape pen.

If you use your vape after a tooth extraction, you could be introducing that contamination directly into your wound, creating an even bigger risk of infection.

How Long To Wait Before Vaping After Tooth Removal?

If you need to vape in the days following your tooth extraction, you should still wait 48 hours before doing so. 

This will give your body time to heal and the blood clot in the socket time to set.

You should also make sure you're doing everything else possible to speed up your recovery process, such as taking any antibiotics prescribed by your dentist and using any medications they have recommended for pain management.

Even after 48 hours have passed, you should keep your vaping sessions to a minimum. 

Vaping too much can still disrupt the clotting process and can irritate the area of your extraction wound.

A general rule of thumb: If you aren't eating solid food yet, do not vape under any circumstances.

Vaping After Tooth Removal With Gauze


Smoking while wearing gauze after an extraction is not recommended because of the potential risks it poses to the healing process.

The heat, chemicals, and suction associated with smoking can disrupt the formation of critical blood clots and increase the likelihood of complications such as dry socket syndrome and infection.

While quitting smoking is the best option for oral health and overall wellness, alternative strategies such as nicotine gum, patches, or lozenges from Nicotine Replacement Therapy and delayed smoking can help mitigate some of the risks as well.

Precautions When Vaping with Gauze

Take a drag if you must, but take precautions to ensure you don't damage the extraction site or cause any complications.

Here are some precautions to keep in mind when vaping with gauze:

1. Wait at least 48 hours before vaping.

It’s important to wait at least 48 hours after your tooth extraction or wisdom teeth removal before vaping.

This will give your body time to start the healing process and reduce the risk of complications.

2. Use gauze to cover the extraction site.

When you do start vaping again, use gauze to cover the extraction site. This will help protect the area from irritation and reduce the risk of infection.

3. Avoid inhaling too deeply.

When you take a hit of your vape, avoid inhaling too deeply. This can cause the gauze to move and potentially dislodge the blood clot, which can lead to a dry socket.

4. Be mindful of the temperature.

The heat from your vape can irritate the extraction site and delay the healing process. Be mindful of the temperature of your vape and try to keep it on a lower setting.

5. Stay hydrated.

Vaping can cause dry mouth, which can slow down the healing process. Make sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated to help promote healing.

6. Keep equipment clean.

You should always make sure your vape pen or other device is kept clean and the mouthpiece is changed regularly. 

This will reduce any bacteria that could irritate the extraction site.

By following these precautions, you can safely vape with gauze after a tooth extraction or wisdom teeth removal. 

Remember to always listen to your body and consult with your dentist if you have any concerns.


Vaping after tooth extraction is possible but comes with definite risks like dislodged clots and infections.

Most dental experts advise waiting at least 2-3 days before gently resuming vaping, and only with careful precautions.

For heavy vapers, having contingency plans to manage cravings and oral fixations is key.

With patience and by following your dentist’s advice, you can balance the benefits of vaping against potential complications.

Be prepared to stop immediately if you experience increased pain, swelling, or other concerning symptoms.