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How to hit a cart without a battery ? 4 Security Solutions Methods


How -to- hit- a- cart- without -a- battery?

If you’ve found yourself without a battery for your vape cartridge, don’t worry—there are several ways to hit a cart without a battery.

Whether you’ve misplaced your vape pen, your battery died, or you're simply in a pinch, this guide will show you how to still enjoy your cartridge with alternative methods. 

From using a different device to creative DIY solutions, we’ve got you covered with easy, safe, and effective ways to vape without a battery. Keep reading to learn more!

What is a Vape Cartridge?

A cart, otherwise known as a cartridge or vape cartridge, is a small piece of electronic hardware that is full of a liquid cannabis concentrate. 

It looks like a small glass cylinder with a mouthpiece to pull on at the top and threading at the bottom, with the cannabis concentrate sitting neatly in the middle. 

The bottom that has the threading is designed to screw into a pen, otherwise known as the battery.

How do Vape Carts work?

A vape cartridge functions by utilizing a 510 thread, which allows for a secure attachment to a compatible vape battery. 

At the cartridge's center lies a metal heating coil, designed specifically to vaporize the oil contained within a ceramic core. 

This ceramic core is engineered with microscopic pores, which play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth flow of oil while preventing issues such as dry hits or leaks.

When you activate your vape pen, electrical power flows through the pins of the cartridge, reaching the metal heating coil situated at the center. 

As the coil heats up, it reaches the necessary temperature to vaporize the oil stored in the ceramic core that surrounds it. 

This process transforms the liquid oil into vapor, allowing for inhalation. 

How Vape Carts Work

Tips for getting the most out of your cartridge without a battery

To get the most out of your cartridge without a battery, take deeper and slower inhales for better vapor production. 

Keeping your cartridge in a warm place can also enhance vapor output. 

Additionally, make sure to clean your cartridge regularly to remove any buildup that may obstruct airflow.

How to hit a cart without a battery? 

When your vape battery dies or goes missing, it’s important to get creative with what you have on hand. 

Although these hacks aren’t ideal for the long term, they can help satisfy your cravings temporarily until you can replace your battery or get a new rechargeable vape mod.

Method1— Using an Android Charger 

If you find yourself without a functioning vape battery, don’t panic! 

There’s a quick workaround using an Android charger that can keep you going in a pinch. 

Follow these simple steps to repurpose an old charger and get your vape cartridge working again— no battery required!


1. Acquire an Old Android Charger

Find an unused Android charger (or an iPhone charger, but Android is easier to work with).

Cut the wire so that only the USB end remains, removing the charging port entirely.

2. Expose the Red and Black Wires

Carefully trim back the rubber insulation on the wire to expose the inner red and black wires. 

Use scissors, wire strippers, or even nail clippers to do this. Avoid cutting too deep into the wires.

3. Strip the Wire Ends

Strip about 1-2 inches of insulation off the ends of the red and black wires.

If you don't have wire strippers, a lighter or nail clippers can also help.

4. Connect the Charger to Power

Plug the USB end of the charger into a power source (USB block or a powered USB port).

5. Insert the Black Wire into the Cartridge

Locate the small metal hole at the bottom of the vape cartridge. Insert the black wire into this hole.

6. Touch the Red Wire to the Cartridge’s Metal Exterior

Find the metal casing on the outside of the cartridge and gently touch the red wire to it. 

This completes the circuit.

7. Activate the Cartridge

You should hear the cartridge hiss, indicating that it is now heating up.

Inhale slowly to use the cartridge. (Be careful not to overheat the coil by leaving the wires connected for too long.)

Method 2—Using a Wall Charger

While some vapers might be tempted to use a rigged USB charging cord with a wall charger, this is highly discouraged. 

Wall chargers supply a much stronger electrical current that can easily damage your vape cartridge. 

There's also a risk of fire, shorts, or electrical shocks if mishandled.

Method 3—Using an In-Car USB Cable

If you have an Android charging cable and no other USB power sources nearby, your car’s USB charger or cigarette lighter adapter can work in a pinch. 

Strip the USB cord to access the white and green wires, connect them to your vape cartridge’s threads and charging port, and then plug it into your car’s powered USB slot or lighter adapter.

The limited power from a car USB port is relatively safe for short vaping sessions. J

Just avoid letting the wires dangle into heating vents or near flammable materials. And remember, don't vape and drive!

Method 4—Using a Laptop USB Port

A convenient power source for an improvised USB vape rig is your laptop or desktop computer. 

As long as the laptop is powered on and plugged in, its USB ports can provide enough power to heat your cartridge without a battery. 

Just ensure you're using the USB cable method while the laptop is charging, as relying on the battery alone might not provide enough power.


1. Expose the Red and Black Wires

Strip the ends of a USB charging cable to reveal the red and black wires.

Use scissors, wire strippers, or even nail clippers to carefully remove the rubber insulation. Be careful not to damage the wires.

2. Connect the Black Wire to the Vape Cartridge

Find the charging port at the bottom of your vape cartridge.

Insert the black wire into this port to establish a connection.

3. Touch the Red Wire to the Cartridge’s Metal Casing

Locate the outer metal casing of the cartridge.

Gently touch the red wire to the metal to complete the circuit.

4. Plug the USB End into a Power Source

Plug the intact USB end of the charger into any available USB port on your laptop, desktop, or USB block.

5. Hit the Cartridge

Inhale slowly from the cartridge while it’s plugged in.

Unplug between hits to avoid overheating the coil and wasting the product.


The above are a few common solutions when hitting a cart without a battery, which is relatively safe, but don't slack off; make sure to exercise the utmost caution to prevent yourself from getting burned or zapped. 

Have a great production experience!

Related articles: How to Unclog a Vape Cartridge or Pen? 6 Different Fixes